Friday, May 22, 2015

Henry Kissinger, 1972

When the voice of controversy has stilled, all that matters will be whether what was done made a difference, whether it marked an episode or an epoch. We are living through one of the most difficult periods of our time. Some say we are divided over Vietnam; others blame other domestic discord. But I believe the cause of our anguish is deeper. Throughout our history we believed that effort was its own reward. Partly because so much has been achieved here in America, we have tended to suppose that every problem must have a solution and that good intentions should somehow guarantee good results. Utopia was seen not as a dream, but as our logical destination if we only traveled the right road. Our generation is the first to find that the road is endless, that in traveling it we will find not Utopia but ourselves. The realization of our essential loneliness accounts for so much of the frustration and rage of our time.

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